Why Anti-Discrimination?
No one should feel or experience being excluded.
No one should feel or experience being excluded.
The facts.
In the US, 40% of the total population is minority, while only 16% of Fortune 500 board seats.1
The United States of America is an extremely diverse nation that holds and brings in people from every race, religion, and ideology.
Experiences with bias and discrimination are relatively common among every race, religion, and ideas.
Discrimination in the workplace, in education, in housing, and in opportunities, still exists.
Our focus:
We work with discrimination houses and community members to create better representation and equal opportunity in the communities they serve. We believe that representation should also reflect the people in power, leading companies and communities, down to the people who work and live in them.
Representation, equal opportunity, and increased inclusion cannot fully eliminate discrimination, but it can reduce it to make a society more equitable, and one that addresses injustice more effectively.
In 2018, only 29% of all Fortune 500 boards have greater than 40 percent diversity.1
Boards of organizations’ representation should reflect the communities they serve. This leads to a more just culture and improvements in governance.
Resumes with white-sounding names receive 50 percent more callbacks than those with non-white-sounding names.2
Opportunities should always be equal regardless of race, religion, gender, and political association.
35% of an employee’s emotional investment to their work and 20% of their desire to stay is linked to feelings of inclusion.3
When employers support diversity, openness, and trust, there are direct correlations to increased engagement.
Uplift and Unite
Our Uplift and Unite campaign supports victims of discrimination. We want to ensure the educational, social, and economic fairness and inspire judgments that are free from discrimination such as race or gender-based bias. #UpliftandUnite
We believe fairness is a necessary right for all, from civil rights and social justice to freedom of conscience and expression. We believe in progressive values of tolerance, democracy, and peaceful conflict resolution.
The Sikhi Alpha Foundation believes that basic human needs include fairness.
Further Statistics
McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile of gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to experience above-average profitability than peer companies in the fourth quartile.4
Companies in the top quartile for diversity outperformed those in the fourth by 36 percent in terms of profitability in 2019, slightly up from 33 percent in 2017 and 35 percent in 2014.4
At the current rate of progress, it will take 29 years and 24 years respectively for the average US and UK company to reach gender parity on its executive team, and 18 years and 13 years on boards.4
Executive teams with more than 30% women are more likely to outperform those with no women.4
The campaign continues until we help end injustice for all.